Frequently Asked Questions
Do organic wool nursing pads need to be washed before using? Does organic wool clothing need to be washed prior to use?
The pads do not need to be washed prior to use...
Can I use olive oil or coconut oil with wool nursing pads?
Emollients as olive oil or coconut oil can be used...
Can I use Dr Jack Newman's All-Purpose-Nipple-Ointment with wool nursing pads?
Dr Jack Newman's APNO can be used with your wool nursing pads...
If I am being treated for a breast infection, do I need to stop wearing wool nursing pads?
Most often, you can continue wearing your wool nursing pads...
What are the benefits of wool? Wool holds many amazing properties ....
What are the benefits of hemp as a textile? Hemp is an equally amazing textile as wool, in its own unique ways ...
I'm allergic to wool ... can I use the nursing pads? Very likely - most women who are allergic to wool actually react to the chemicals used to extract the lanolin from the wool, chemicals which are not used on the wool in LANACare Nursing Pads... see & hear more...